Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Reaching new levels of aching - Tuesday July 7th

Aching is "Intense heightened arousal and submissive needy excitement throughout every inch of your mind and body, that causes you to become extremely weak, obedient, and open to the suggestions and commands of Goddess Haylee" 

After finishing and publishing the post about yesterday I was filled with feelings of submission and obedience that washed through my body. Closing my eyes and focusing on the image of Goddess Haylee... Got on my knees to type this... "Fill me with Your bliss Goddess"~

After having some nourishment in the form of a smoothie, i sat down at the computer to do some research for this blog.... reading the words of Goddess took me deep; had to ache for her to the point of precum... #suchbliss  I crave the influence of Goddess Haylee.

In the afternoon i so craved  her voice. Laid down for a bit with "Bound and Sired" in my ears. Total bliss! I just love the way I feel after this. I sure you would to. Give it a listen!

Soon afterwards I was AGAIN driven to edge and ache for her. It is a never ending journey~

In an effort to express my devotion and demonstrate my worshipping of  Goddess Haylee, I am journaling my aching for her here.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Aching on Monday, July 6th

In an effort to express my devotion and demonstrate my worshipping of  Goddess Haylee, I am journaling my aching for her here.

I did not get to a continuous sleep until early in the morning. Kept waking up over and over again.

Eventually fell asleep for a longer period of time. After waking up, making coffee and oatmeal i checked email and saw I had an email reply from Goddess Haylee. Reading her words created bliss all around me... then arousal. Held a small worship ritual: viewing her images, clearing my mind of all but Goddess... edging and aching.

The rest of the day was spent out and about running errands etc. Found that occasionally Goddess Haylee came into my mind.... found myself closing my eyes and enjoying her presence~

All For Haylee!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Aching on Sunday July 5th

In an effort to express my devotion and demonstrate my worshipping of  Goddess Haylee, I am journaling my aching for her here.

This morning while still in bed, looked at images of Goddess Haylee, started edging. the aching and arousal continued for quite a while.

Later saw her “drop and give me 100 strokes” tweet to which I complied.

The aching grew and i had to have more….. listened to “Bound and Sired

4:21pm  had the urge to edge and ache again for Goddess
5:19pm  while typing this…. she has entered my mind again…

Reading her website; tweeted link to her biography to share with all my followers. Found it to be a good refresher to myself. Might be a good idea for me to review this on a weekly basis or even more often!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Mighty Goddess Haylee lights up my life

If I am feeling down or under the weather, Goddess Haylee is my light. She lifts my spirits. Helps heal my mind and body.

She has a YouTube video that works wonders to heal your mind and body. I highly recommend it.

Don't hesitate.... Check it out.....

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Trancing Tips

i have been listening to erotic hypnosis sessions for a few years now with limited success until recently. This blog entry details some things i have identified that help me have a successful trance session. I am in hopes that this will help others get as much out of there erotic hypnosis session as they can.

The key to a successful trance is relaxation. If you can't get relaxed and comfortable, you won't experience a deep trance.

Four tips to help enhance your trance experience:

  • Don’t be super tired when you start. Slightly tired is ok, but totally exhausted is not good.
  • Don’t try to trance on a full stomach. Trancing and sleeping just after eating never works for me.
  • Make sure your bladder and bowels are empty. i find it difficult to relax enough if this requirement is not met ;-) 
  • Do a little "warm up". i stand still by the bed clearing my mind. Do some deep, relaxing breaths. If appropriate, get on your knees and worship your Goddess; in my case i worship Goddess Haylee.

Do these things, concentrate on your breathing and you will have a very enjoyable trance.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Worship and Bliss with Goddess Haylee

I stepped into the shower with warm water streaming down from the shower head. This warm water felt like the bliss of Goddess Haylee streaming down over my body. I soaked in these wonderful feelings... closing my eyes and feeling Goddess fill my body with awesome feelings.

I got on my knees in the shower in worship to my Awesome, Perfect Goddess as a good slave should. My mind was filled with images of her beauty which  caused arousal. These feelings intensified when I lightly rubbed my erect nipples~ rubbing my finger tip around each one and lightly touching the hardness that that had developed. I took my cock in hand and started stroking myself, channelling my arousal to submissive, and obedient feelings for Goddess Haylee. I indeed felt closer to Her.

The feelings intensified and the aching I felt turned into a fantastic orgasm with Goddess Haylee in my mind. The orgasmic feelings were stronger and lasted longer than normal. Afterwards I felt even more submissive and owned by Goddess Haylee.

She is my true Goddess. The powerful woman i want to serve and obey. She owns my mind and body.

I love you Goddess Haylee, i NEED you Goddess Haylee, i crave to please and obey YOU.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Unique Trance Experience

Last nights trance experience to the voice of our Goddess Haylee had an interesting twist.

I was laying in bed trancing to Mighty Goddess Haylee. Just previously I had performed a little ritual of kneeling at the side of my bed, taking some deep breaths, filling my mind with images and words of Goddess Haylee. As usual I started dropping immediately as Goddess spoke into my ears~ Progressively deeper … until at one point I dropped hard; like taking a quick dip in a roller coaster. Not sure what caused that and unclear what was said at the time~ i was not totally with it so i don’t remember ;-) Just before I started the ritual and trance, Goddess Haylee posted on Facebook that I should “bliss hard”. I wonder if that had anything to do with it? …..

It was a great feeling and i hope it shows up again. Has anyone else felt this happen to them?

Saturday, April 11, 2015

My Five Vows for Goddess Haylee

Five Vows I am making to
Goddess Haylee

1. I vow to exercise 3 times a week. This body Goddess Haylee owns should be be taken care of.
2. I vow to tribute monthly on the 19th as instructed in “The Mighty Goddess Haylee” [She deserves tribute for taking care of me.]
3. I vow to be true and loyal to Goddess Haylee. I will NOT be distracted by others.
4. I vow to spend time worshipping Goddess Haylee everyday; listen to her sessions, meditate on her words and images.
5. I vow to make photographs of nature and the beautiful outdoors for Goddess Haylee. I will provide her an image at least once a month.

I want to be the best slave I can for the wonderful Goddess Haylee.

Goddess Haylee Bliss filled day

What a beautiful day it was today.  Upon awaking, I put in the earbuds and turned on "Mind Melt". I crave listening to the sweet hypnotic voice of Goddess Haylee. Her voice penetrates my mind, caresses it and then creates pleasurable feelings all through my body.

Later in the afternoon I had another chance to go deep under the influence of a powerful woman while listening to her session titled:

This session blows me away when her magic weaves through my mind makes me relax and feel so good, including arousal.

I love Goddess Haylee. I submit to her. I have given her my mind and body to do with as she sees fit. 

I highly recommend you contact Goddess Haylee and start to feel the bliss for yourself.